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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Deadly Oklahoma Tornado Aftermath: Photos

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Deadly Oklahoma Tornado Aftermath: Photos
Local residents count the cost after a deadly tornado flattened huge areas of Oklahoma City's suburbs on Monday. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Planets Shed Light on Earth's Weather Using the other planets as weather labs, meteorologists get a feel for how things work on Earth.

Curiosity Drills Into Second Mars Rock
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has drilled into another rock and plans are afoot to analyze the pulverized material. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Martian Methane We've discovered the source of methane on Mars -- so what's the big deal?

How Kepler Could Die and Keep Finding Planets
If the planet-hunting space telescope can't be saved, scientists expect it already has accomplished its goal of finding a habitable, Earth-like planet. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: 3 Questions: Exoplanets What does it take to find a planet 63 light years from Earth?

Why Penguins Forgot How to Fly
The birds evolved into diving hunters and the need for flight lessened. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Cool Jobs: Antarctic Penguin Researcher What's it like to study penguins in Antarctica -- and how do you survive the cold?

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