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Friday, January 31, 2014

8 NFL Facts That Will Piss You Off

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8 NFL Facts That Will Piss You Off
Despite America's love for the game, the NFL as an organization is riddled with problems that make the league, well, not so super. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Concussions in Football: What Can Be Done? What happens to a player's brain during violent collisions?

Watch the Sun Get Photobombed by the Moon
The moon gave NASA's SDO spacecraft a private eclipse today, and we have the video to prove it. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: SDO Captures Eruptions on Sun High-definition footage shows huge eruptions of plasma blasting into space.

Dog Family Tree Traced Back 2 Million Years
A scrappy, Italian canine that lived 2 million years ago helps explain the evolution of wolves and dogs. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Dogs Have Feelings, Too Dog owners have been saying it for years: "Dogs are really just four-legged, furry humans."

Why Do Limbs Come in Pairs? Video
Learn how our stomachs could be the reason why many species evolved into creatures with four appendages. Watch

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