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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Costa Concordia Refloating: Live at the Scene

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Discovery News

Costa Concordia Refloating: Live at the Scene
The Costa Concordia is rising higher in the pristine waters around Giglio. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: The Ocean Is in Danger! We check out the dire state of perhaps the most interesting and diverse part of our planet.

Curiosity Finds Large Iron Meteorite on Mars
On Curiosity's 640th day on Mars, the robot stumbles across a fairly hefty meteorite. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Fusion Engine go Get Us to Mars In 30 Days New tech could cut a trip to Mars from an agonizing eight months to as little as 30 days.

Wikipedia Bot Writes 10,000 Articles a Day
Automated authoring program in Sweden has written 2.7 million articles. Read More
WATCH VIDEO: Is Wikipedia a Credible Source? It's the go-to website for information on just about anything. But is the info on Wikipedia worth its weight in megabytes?

Predicting Binge Drinking in Teens
Neurologists have found a way to predict -- with 70 percent accuracy -- which 14-year-olds will become binge drinkers by age 16. Watch

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